General information
- You need to be in legal age to make order on our website
- You need to be able to legally use payment methods available on our website
- We do not support self-medication; we strongly recommend that you contact your healthcare provider for professional medical advise.
- Place your order in our store and fill all required information
- Due to transnational service and medicine importation limits we are unable to complete orders in amount larger than 6 bottles x 30 pills (in some countries personal use medication import is restricted to 3 x 30 bottles)
- We will verify your order, your data and our stock availability
- Once your order is confirmed on our end we will contact you with further details
- Based on your request we will provide payment details
- Make your payment through requested or available payment channel
- When your payment is cleared to our account we will dispatch your package
- If you chose DHL we will provide shipping tracking code; usual shipping time is between 7-14 business days
- We will provide medical certificate and invoice
- If you chose Personal Courier Service we will deliver your order in maximum 5 days
Refunds and exchanges
- We do not process exchanges
- We do not process refunds
Important notice
- We are not responsible and no refunds will be provided if your package have been stopped/seized by relevant authorities in destination country
- We are not responsible for any additional documentation that may be required by relevant authorities in destination country
- We are not responsible for any additional fees imposed by relevant authorities in destination country